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Skin Checks / Minor Surgical Procedures & Wound Care

Skin Checks / Minor Surgical Procedures & Wound Care

Skin Checks / Minor Surgical Procedures & Wound Care

Dubbo Health Hub offers skin checks. Regularly monitoring your skin means you are giving yourself the best chance to find skin cancers at the earliest stage where they can be successfully treated. 

As most skin cancers grow silently without symptoms, regular checks are vital for all people living in Australia. The Cancer Council recommends that all adults should check their own skin every 3 months. 

In addition to self-checks, you should see a doctor for a full-body skin examination at least once a year. 

If you are at high risk of skin cancer, your doctor will request that you have more frequent checks, depending on risk factors, which include: 

  • Family history
  • Have fair skin or light-coloured hair
  • Spend a lot of time outdoors

The doctors and the Practice nurse Vanessa are also trained and experienced in performing minor surgical procedures, including:

  • Treatment of warts and sunspots
  • Excision of skin lesions such as skin cancers, cysts and moles
  • Insertion and removal of hormone and contraceptive implants and intrauterine contraceptive devices (IUDs)
  • Repair of skin lacerations
  • Removal of foreign bodies
  • Stitching
  • Drainage of abscesses.